So, it is time to write your wedding vows?
Use these as a guide but keep in mind that we are all different.
Some couples like to make them funny and some like to keep them formal.
Your best bet is to make sure they reflect you and how you feel.
Start with dot points and cut them down to maybe about 6 or so “promises or vows”
And if all else fails just fill in the blanks using the below template.
Keep in mind your wedding vows must contain the following minimum legal wording.
So, start with this –
I call upon the people here present to witness that I, (full legal name) take you (full legal name) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband.
Then add it your personal vows –
Once you have them typed out please send them to me in an email so I can check them over for you.
Of course I am here to help if you get stuck.
Modern Examples:
Jamie – I choose you above all others to share my life
I love that you’re a little weird. That’s cool because I am too
I promise to give you chocolate when you’re sad and rub your head at night
I promise to give you my last mandarin wedge and make all the spiders go away
I promise to love you always, and tell you every day
I vow to love you for who you are, and help you become all that you can be.
Marty – I choose you above all others to share my life.
I love that you’re socially awkward. That’s cool because I am too
I promise to wake you up every morning even when we are apart
I promise to carry Mylanta in my handbag and let you know when your shirt is on backwards
I promise to love you always, and tell you every day
I vow to love you for who you are, and help you become all that you can be.
Jess, I take you as my best friend, my accelerator and the absolute love of my life.
I promise to do anything and everything to make you smile, laugh and be happy.
I promise to keep coming up with hilarious new jokes, be your hot water bottle when its cold, adhere to all spreadsheets and of course throw chocolates to you from a safe distance once a month.
You are such an amazing soul and my dream partner,
I will never forget how lucky I am and will cherish every second together.
I love you so much its ridiculous – Forever yours
A good balance of sweet and funny:
Troy, I take you to be my best friend, my partner in crime and my one true love
I promise to be true to you, uplift and support you, to frustrate and challenge you and someday if the stars align, I might even let you win an argument.
I promise to always laugh at your dad jokes, even when they are not funny.
I will celebrate with you when St George wins and comfort you when they lose.
But most of all I promise to always remember that what we have is a once in a lifetime kind of love.
Every day we are together is the greatest day of my life – I will always be yours
A little more traditional
Sam I promise to love you, comfort you, honour and support you for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, for as long as we both shall live.
Sam, today I vow to share my life openly with you,
To speak the truth to you in love.
I promise to honour and tenderly care for you,
To cherish and encourage your own fulfilment as an Individual, for the rest of my life.
James, I choose you to be no other than yourself,
Loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know.
I will respect you as an individual, a partner and an equal.
I promise to laugh with you when times are good, and endure with you when they are bad.
I promise to be faithful to you and with your help, I will be a better person tomorrow than I was yesterday.
Michael, In the time we have been together, you have always stuck by me through thick and thin. You have always believed in me and encouraged me to pursue my goals and I will be forever grateful.
I will always adore, honour and encourage you.
You are my best friend, the father to my beautiful daughters and I will always love you, completely and forever.
Love this one:
I vow that this day and for all the days of our lives, I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you and comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I vow to always bring optimism, enthusiasm and laughter into our life together. I vow to not only grow old with you but to grow with you each and every day. I vow to commit to loving you daily and vow to love to love your family as if they were my own.
I vow to strive to be the best father I can be to our two precious daughters and to teach them about life, love, respect and to see the beauty in all things.
I promise to lead a life of adventure with you and keep our relationship alive and exciting. I also promise to chew my food quietly and to prevent you from reaching the point of hangry.
You just get me and for that reason I promise to take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support.
I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us.
some more examples:
I take you as my best friend, lover and soul mate.
I vow to honour and protect you, encourage and celebrate you, every day.
All the time, and always.
I pledge to you to be your loving friend and partner in marriage. To talk and to listen, to trust and appreciate you.
I will help you when you need help and make space for you to be yourself.
I promise to love and respect you and to put energy into keeping our love alive. Thank you for choosing me forever and always.
I take you as my best friend, lover and soul mate
I promise to be the one that you can count on to support you through the rough times and celebrate with during the good times.
I vow to challenge you every day, just enough to keep us living our lives to the fullest but not so much as to frustrate you.
I will try my best to be the best wife I can for you, do all I can to make you happy and maybe occasionally put my clothes away.
I pledge to show you every day how much I love you, from big hugs to small romantic gestures and everything in between.
Thank you for choosing me forever and always.
Short and sweet:
I choose you above all others to share my life
I vow to love you always, no matter what life may bring.
I vows to love you for who you are, and help you become all that you can be.